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Best React Component Libraries In 2024

Published On July 25th, 2024 938Communication

“These ready-to-use React component libraries help streamline the development process and create visually appealing interfaces.”

The React framework has completely revolutionized the tech sector by making it possible to add complex and even the mere impossible features to native mobile apps at the snap of a finger. 

All thanks to the pre-built React UI libraries that have made it possible for developers to build a React chat app for the web, Android, and iOS using a single codebase without having to sweat efforts. 

Therefore, whether you are a rookie developer or an expert in this field, we have listed some of the top libraries of the React framework in the blog below that would help you to build compelling mobile apps in your upcoming projects. 

Editor’s Note: Did you know that due to the growing popularity of the  framework, many Tier-1 tech giants are hiring React developers for quicker cross-platform app development

What Are React Component Libraries?

React Component libraries are a collection of pre-built UI components that are designed, tested well, and documented for developer purposes to build any complex feature, or simply reuse them on their next app development project. 

Mostly, a component library will have the required codes to add a button, form, table, and chart to an app. Plus, these libraries are used to promote consistency and stability within an app, and add any new feature without disturbing the design or its UI.
Note: Interested in this framework and willing to learn how to build native chat apps in less than 20 minutes?

Looking to a Build A Chat App with React Pre-built UI?

Why Should You Use React Component Libraries?

It is the powerful React UI libraries that sets the framework apart from the rest and has accelerated its growth significantly. 

Plus, it is because of the easy-to-build attribute that has led to the development of several react apps like Facebook, Insta, Netflix, Dropbox, WhatsApp, and Khan Academy in the market. 

Therefore, without any ado, let us see what makes them a hit in the market. Starting with,

1. Reduced app development time and faster time-to-market as the need to add basic chat functionalities are eliminated.

2. Makes it possible to access native features through Javascript APIs.

3. Ability to build chat apps across multiple platforms like Android and iOS using a single codebase. 

4. Offers vast community support, online materials, and documentation that might be of help for developers to create highly customizable applications on-the-go.

5. Allows developers to build a high-quality app as its libraries are well-tested and maintained.

6. Businesses can see a chance to improve the overall productivity of developers by reducing their development time with the use of React UI.

Well, trust me mates, these were just a few and there are multiple perks that businesses can get from using a React UI framework.

What Factors To Consider Before Choosing A Library?

Though React UI library offers a suite of benefits for developers to build functional and customizable solutions for the web and mobile, there are a few factors to look for before deciding on whether the framework works best for you. And they are:

1. Deep Learning Curve: Some of the frameworks are not so easy to use and navigate, and hence may require a learning step. Therefore, check whether the framework you are going to opt for is easy to learn even for new developers.

2. Customizations: Always choose a framework library that helps you to personalize your app to meet your business’s requirements. 

3. Lesser Migration Chance: If you go ahead with an app development framework that has lesser longevity chances and may expire in the future, then there are chances that you would have to migrate your project to a new library, which may seem to be daunting.

4. Meets Your Needs: Check whether the library you opt for provides the needed feature set for your app development project. 

For instance, if you are building a complex healthcare app, see to it that the library offers the required features like to handle group calls, appointment scheduling, and online billing. 

Along with the features listed above, make sure that you get access to the following attributes as well like community support, speedy and highly responsive, and good documentation. 

Best 8 React Component Libraries

Though there are multiple react libraries available for developers, we have handpicked the best from the lot and drafted in the section below for your reference. They are:

1. Material UI

react native component library
react UI react native libraries

Material UI is an open-source React UI library that helps developers build a visually appealing UI style without compromising on accessibility. 

Plus, it adopts Google’s Material Design principle thus making it easy and flexible to use it right from the box without any wait. 

Along with these, the component library also has 40+ building block components which can help add buttons, text fields, tables, alert icons, tooltips, and more.

Key Features

  • Custom theming that allows components to be tailored as per business needs
  • Supports adding and modifying styles using CSS Utilities
  • Consists of design kits that include states, colors, variations, and icons
  • Has a large community of contributors and users

2. Ant Design

react native ui library
react component libraries

This type of React UI library is preferred by developers who wish to keep the design minimal yet modern. Developed by Alibaba Group, its high-quality React components serve as a base for building larger enterprise web applications in a jiff.

Key Features:

  • Its patterns and components elevate the consistency, efficiency, and robustness of an application.
  • Ant UMD’s design components cover UI elements like forms, tables, navigation bars, and modals.
  • The React UI library offers a grid system for designing layouts that could fit on any screen device.
  • It makes the customization of themes easier with the help of an extendable algorithm.

3. Chakra UI

ui component library
component library

Chakra UI comes as an ideal, highly customizable, speedy, and modular UI library for building small and large-scale applications with modern interfaces. Plus, it gives the ability for developers to write very few UI codes for building exceptional customer experiences.

Key Features:

  • Its themeable allows customization on any part of its components.
  • Allows composing newer components with ease.
  • It is highly accessible as the UI library makes use of WAI-ARIA standards.
  • Can set color modes for UI as light or dark.

4. Headless UI

is react a framework or library
react chat components library

Though Headless UI sets a mark in giving developers complete control over the look of their app’s UI, it doesn’t include UI libraries on its own, and that’s why they are called ‘headless’. 

Rather, has a set of Tailwind CSS UI primitives that can be accessible.

It is these primitives that can be customized and serve as the foundation for building structured and styled-components.

Key Features:

  • It gives the flexibility to developers to come up with their own design style using its core functionality.
  • Developers can use their own CSS to build styles
  • Headless UI offers some of the well-known components like a dialog box, switch or toggle, drop-down menus, and popovers. 

5. React Bootstrap

how to create react components library

what is react component library

React Bootstrap is a UI library that is built atop the Bootstrap JS framework from scratch, thus giving developers access to several CSS and JS components for developing intuitive web applications. 

Key Features:

  • Offers high-level customization and flexibility to build any components.
  • It has a high community support like other UI libraries
  • They are also well-documented and explain the how-to part in detail.

6. Mantine

how to use react component library

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Mantine’s React components and APIs are focused on delivering highly customizable, accessible, and active components that may help developers build consistent web applications. 

Plus, it comes as an easy-to-use component following a minimal design methodology. 

Key Features:

  • Mantine offers React components to write codes for buttons, forms, notifications, and alerts.
  • Their accessibility is just great by giving steady keyboard navigation support.
  • They offer good customizations on styles, colors, and themes.

7. Next UI

what is react class component

why use a component library

Next UI is regarded to be the most modern and speedy React UI library that helps make beautiful websites in a breeze. It also offers a Tailwind CSS plugin to build customizable themes that best suit your project, and are built atop React Aria to ensure that accessibility is not disturbed at any cost.

Key Features:

  • It comes with a default dark theme to apply to your web apps.
  • Next UI simplifies the customization process as it is based on Tailwind Variants.
  • They can be split into multiple packages and the package needed alone can be installed.

8. Semantic UI React

react card component example

what is react component library

Semantic UI React is an authentic UI library for integrating Semantic UI that houses several predefined components and styles for building responsive user interfaces. 

Plus, it got its name semantic as it makes use of human-readable HTML elements and semantics.

Key Features:

  • It offers theming support to customize the visual appearance of the app.
  • Since they are coded with HTML semantics, developers find it easy to learn the structure.
  • Semantic UI React is highly responsive thus helping to deliver consistent UX across devices.

So these were the different React libraries that are strong in terms of integration, theming, and usability. Therefore, it is up to you to decide which library would suit you based on goals and principles.

Head-on Comparison Of Top 5 React Component Libraries

Below is a tabular comparison on the top 5 React UI libraries like Material UI, Ant Design, Chakra UI, Headless UI, and React Bootstrap.

AttributeMaterial UIAnt DesignChakra UIHeadless UIReact Bootstrap
ThemingFor Style, Color, TypographySupportsStyle PropsN/AStyles
CustomizationHighHighHighVery HighHigh
AccessibilityHighConsiderableVery HighN/ABootstrap’s Access
Community SupportLarge SupportActive CommunityVery HighAdded NewlyStrong Community
PerformanceAll Kinds Of AppsSuited For Enterprise AppsGrowing SupportPrimitive AppsWide Projects
PerformanceGoodGoodFor Customizable AppsExceptionalGood
react component library


There are several React component libraries besides what we saw in the post above. And choosing the right one is the trickiest part as your choice of library should match up with your requirement.

Along with this, you must also see whether it has vast community support so that you can get help when you are still in your app development process and whether it offers customizations. 

If you feel having a check on these is difficult, then you can simply use our React SDKs to integrate highly functional video, voice, and chat capabilities into your apps in less than 20 minutes. (Trust me, ours is a proven record)

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Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I create a react component library?

To create a React component library, you must first add React as a project dependency and then add Vite to build the library code. 

How do I publish a react component library npm package?

Here’s how to publish your own React NPM package:
Create a structure for your NPM package in React
Create a new .json file in the component’s directory and code your component
Add a .gitignore file to indicate directories should not be linked to any version control
Add in required dependencies
Build and publish your package

What is React’s most popular component library?

MUI is React’s most popular and well-liked component library as it makes development quicker and smoother.

Which library is used for ReactJS?

React Router, Ant Design, React-Bootstrap, and Material UI are some of the best ReactJS UI libraries.

What is a UI component library?

A UI component library is a set of well-documented and pre-built UI components that developers can use to easily add a user interface to any product. 

Abirami Elangovan

Abirami is a trendsetter in bringing marketing ideas to reality. She is very keen on creating impactful marketing campaigns and learning the newest technologies in white label messaging APIs. And during her leisure, she can't spend a day without singing and reading.


  1. Yamesh says:

    I think very detailed article for those who check react component libraries. I like how you have researched and presented these exact points so clearly. Please keep sharing more!

    1. Thank you Yamesh, sure we will keep posting more.

  2. Deva says:

    Great post. Your writing is so clear and helpful. Can you list out the best 3 react component libraries you know it might be helpful for us?

    1. Certainly! Three highly regarded React component libraries are:

      Material-UI: Known for its adherence to Google’s Material Design principles, offering a wide range of customizable components.
      Ant Design: A comprehensive library with a plethora of well-designed components and a focus on enterprise-level applications.
      React Bootstrap: Integrates Bootstrap’s UI components into React, providing a robust set of pre-styled elements for creating responsive and visually appealing interfaces.

  3. Judith george says:

    Hello Team,
    I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article. Can you give me a clear explanation for What is UI component library?

    1. Thank you Judith, A UI component library is a collection of pre-designed user interface elements, such as buttons, input fields, and navigation bars, packaged together for reuse in software development. These libraries offer consistency in design, enhance productivity, and promote modular development by providing ready-made building blocks for creating user interfaces in applications.

  4. Nameen rav says:

    Hello Guys,
    Thanks for sharing such a informative blog, keep sharing. do you know what is the React component library with mui?if possible can you explain me?

    1. Sure Nameen I can explain. The React component library with MUI refers to Material-UI. It provides a set of pre-designed and customizable React components following Google’s Material Design guidelines, making it popular for building modern and visually appealing user interfaces.

  5. Shiva says:

    If I am new to this topic where should I start? I mean like What are React components? could you give some short intro?

    1. Sure you can learn easily about react component libraries though you are new to this. React Component libraries are a collection of pre-built UI components that are designed, tested well, and documented for developer purposes to build any complex feature, or simply reuse them on their next app development project. For more click here

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