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What is the Difference Between DevOps and DevSecOps?

Published On July 3rd, 2024 1481Engineering
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If you’re watching the information technology space, there are high chances that you’ve heard of these terms — DevOps and DevSecOps.

Having been around for more than a decade now, these aren’t new technologies, per se. But it’s only in the last few years or so that these have become sort of Buzzwords. 

What exactly are the factors that necessitate businesses to increasingly turn towards DevOps and DevSecOps?

Well, the reasons are aplenty. But, the advent of cloud services, like SaaS, fundamentally changed software development processes. It introduced faster software development and deployment practices. This shift has enabled organizations to achieve better results in shorter timeframes, creating a ripe environment for DevOps to prosper. 

Today, the domination of DevOps and DevSecOps is so elaborate that together, they account for approximately 47% of the market share in software development methodologies (Statista).

So, in the next five minutes, we will understand everything about DevOps vs DevSecOps — the similarities, differences, etc. 

Let’s start with the most elementary question.

What is DevOps?

The term DevOps might sound unusual, but its core idea is straightforward. Traditionally, development and operation teams have operated in separate “silos.” DevOps challenges this norm by merging these teams.

In short, as the name suggests, DevOps is a combination of “Development” and “Operations.” It is a methodology that promotes integration between the development and operations teams. This integration further leads to better coordination and efficiency in delivering customer value.

For a very long time, software development processes were fraught with age-old methods that promoted ‘siloization’, resulting in a delayed software release, inadequate coordination between teams, and poor performance and security updates.

But, DevOps introduced a fresh approach to software development, testing, and deployment. It addresses some of the most common and pressing business challenges like delays in software release, poor coordination between developers and operators, and sluggish updates of features. By integrating tools, processes, and teams and emphasizing automation, DevOps expedites the development and delivery of software products.

So, it can be safely concluded that DevOps service is more than just a method. It is a cultural shift that encourages collaboration between development and IT operations.

Adopting DevOps practices instills a collaborative ethos within an organization, leading to a more effective and streamlined development cycle.

Let’s move to DevSecOps, where the integration of security practices is paramount, creating a balanced approach in the Devsecops vs DevOps debate.

DevOps vs DevSecOps: Want to Know Which is Best For Your Project?

What is DevSecOps?

As DevOps evolved with time and with the rise of cloud and cloud-based services in businesses, security increasingly started to become a major concern. Of course, DevOps removed the barriers between software development and operations. This helped businesses shorten their software development lifecycles without a doubt but at the cost of security. Now you have the answer to “What does the term DevSecOps refer to?”.  Now you have to figure out how we tap into the advantages that DevOps has to offer while also addressing the security question. DevSecOps is the answer.

How do we tap into the advantages that DevOps has to offer while also addressing the security question? DevSecOps is the answer.

DevSecOps enhances the DevOps framework by incorporating security as a fundamental element throughout the development cycle. Security is the most important element that differentiates DevSecOps from DevOps, as it adds an extra layer of security within the framework.

Within DevSecOps, security is a critical factor. It is embedded in every stage of the software development and deployment process. This approach is particularly pertinent in cloud environments, where security and compliance are essential prerequisites.

In the above, you understand clearly what are DevOps and DevSecOps. Now you are going to their similarities and differences in detail, examining the nuances of what is devsecops vs DevOps.

DevOps vs DevSecOps: What are the Similarities?

DevSecOps evolved from DevOps, and it is quite obvious that they have many traits in common.

1. Similarity in Operations

Both DevOps and DevSecOps prioritize quick, efficient software delivery. They focus on constant improvement. This mindset drives teams to embrace changes and to innovate further. For instance, they now tend to support iterative development, making small, frequent updates more and more common. This approach allows quick feedback and timely adjustments. You can think of mobile app developers rolling out regular updates to iron out bugs and add new features. This ensures agility and responsiveness that the user needs and tech shifts.

2. Scope for Automation

Automation is a key and integral part of DevOps and DevSecOps. It streamlines operations and ensures consistency. Tasks like code integration and testing are automated. This frees up teams and keeps them readily available for other strategic tasks. Consider CI/CD pipelines as an example. They test and deploy code changes automatically and reduce manual effort and chances of error. The result is faster and more reliable software delivery.

3. Continuous Monitoring

Continuous monitoring is crucial for both DevOps and DevSecOps. It keeps systems both healthy and secure. DevOps tools like CleanCloud and SonarQube scan the system for issues and vulnerabilities. For example, when these cloud services detect unusual traffic to spot security breaches, immediate actions are taken to mitigate risks. This proactive stance maintains system reliability. It ensures quick identification and resolution of potential problems.

4. Both Encourage Collaborative Work Culture

Collaboration is the core of DevOps and DevSecOps. It breaks down traditional team barriers. Development, operations, and security teams work closely together to ensure the end product built is stable and secure. 

Cross-disciplinary meetings are a good example of the collaborative work culture fostered by DevOps and DevSecOps. These discussions align goals and strategies. They cover development, operational needs, and security concerns. This alignment smoothens project execution while also promoting innovation and improving product quality.

5. Emphasis on Continuous Learning and Feedback

Both approaches stress the importance of continuous learning. DevOps and DevSecOps teams are encouraged to learn from each deployment and gather feedback from real-world use. This feedback informs future development. For instance, after launching a feature, user feedback can lead to quick refinements. This cycle of feedback and improvement keeps products relevant. It ensures that software evolves in line with user expectations and needs.

6. Focus on Customer and User Experience

DevOps and DevSecOps both prioritize the end-user experience. They aim to deliver software that meets user needs effectively. By integrating operations and security paradigms during the early stages of development, issues that affect users are addressed sooner. For example, ensuring a website’s fast load time and security leads to a better overall experience for the end user. After all, happy users are central to the success of these methodologies. This focus drives the creation of products that are not just functional but also secure and enjoyable to use.

What is the Difference Between DevOps and DevSecOps?

What is the difference between DevOps and DevSecOps?

The key difference between DevSecOps and DevOps lies in the integration of security practices. While DevOps primarily emphasizes the collaboration between development and operations teams to streamline software delivery, DevSecOps extends this approach by integrating security (“Sec”) into every stage of the software development lifecycle, ensuring continuous security testing and fostering collaboration between development, operations, and security teams.

Despite their similar sounding names and similarities, DevOps and DevSecOps also have many differences. Differences between DevOps and devsecops are discussed below.

1. Security Integration

DevOps focuses on development and operations collaboration. DevSecOps integrates security at every development stage. Unlike DevOps, security is the central element in DevSecOps, and not an afterthought. This ensures a secure development lifecycle from start to finish. Now you understand the differences between DevOps and DevSecops in security integration.

2. Role of Security Team

In DevOps, security teams are often involved later, only during the final phase of SDLCs. On the other hand, DevSecOps involves security right from the very beginning. All team members share security duties. This approach embeds security in every task. These are the differences between DevOps and DevSecops in the security team.

3. Tooling and Automation

Both use automation, but DevSecOps adds security tools like SonarQube or Checkmarx. In fact, these tools for security testing and vulnerability scanning are already integrated into the DevSecOps setup. This happens within the CI/CD pipeline and ensures that security checks are automatic and continuous, unlike in DevOps, where they are sporadic and intermittent.

4. Risk Management

DevSecOps focuses more on managing security risks early. Early risk identification leads to a secure product. On the other hand, DevOps prioritizes operational risks and efficiency over security. DevSecOps, however, aims to minimize security vulnerabilities from the outset. These are the differences between DevOps and DevSecops in risk management.

5. Compliance and Governance

DevSecOps emphasizes compliance and governance from the start. It aligns development with regulatory needs, which is crucial in regulated industries. However, DevOps does not focus as much on compliance and governance parameters initially. This focus ensures that DevSecOps adheres to data protection laws.

For example, DevSecOps would integrate compliance checks for financial regulations at each stage in a financial app development. However, DevOps might focus on these aspects later in the process, prioritizing speed and collaboration initially. These are the differences between DevSecOps and Devops in compliance governance.

For example, DevSecOps would integrate compliance checks for financial regulations at each stage in a financial app development. But, DevOps might focus on these aspects later in the process, prioritizing speed and collaboration initially. 

6. Duration in Development Cycles

DevOps aims to shorten development cycles for faster deployment. DevSecOps may extend these cycles slightly due to integrated security checks. However, it ensures a more secure product. For example, a web application might take longer to launch with DevSecOps. But, this approach minimizes vulnerabilities right from the start.

7. Difference in Skills Required

DevOps requires expertise in development and operations, whereas DevSecOps demands additional knowledge in security and related practices. DevSecOps team members are typically required to understand secure coding and security testing. For instance, a DevSecOps team member might need to be proficient in security assessment tools like Checkmarx, SonarQube, or Veracode. This broader skillset of DevSecOps enhances the team’s ability to identify and mitigate security risks early in the development process.

Summary of Differences- DevOps vs. DevSecOps

We understand it can be overwhelming to comprehend DevOps vs DevSecOps in one go. So, we have summarized the DevOps and Devsecops differences in the tabular column below.

DifferencesDevOpsDevSecOpsHow DevSecOps Benefits Users
Security IntegrationSecurity considered post-developmentSecurity integrated at every stageEnhances product security, reducing vulnerabilities and potential breaches
Role of Security TeamSecurity teams involved later or in parallelSecurity is a shared responsibility from the startCreates a more secure development environment, ensuring security is a priority throughout
Tooling and AutomationFocuses on automation for development and operationsIncludes specialized tools like SonarQube for continuous securitySpeeds up development while ensuring continuous security checks, leading to reliable and secure software
Risk ManagementPrioritizes operational risks and efficiencyEmphasizes proactive security risk managementProactively addresses security risks, contributing to a more secure and stable product
Compliance and GovernanceMay not initially focus on compliancePrioritizes compliance and governance from the startEnsures products comply with relevant regulations, protecting user data and privacy
Duration in Development CyclesAims for shorter development cyclesMay slightly extend development cycles for securityWhile development may take slightly longer, the result is a more secure and robust product
Difference in Skills RequiredRequires development and operations expertiseRequires additional security knowledge and expertiseEnsures that the team is equipped to address a wide range of security challenges, enhancing overall security

DevOps vs DevSecOps: Which One Should You Choose?

This is perhaps the question that prompted you to come here. 

Choosing between DevOps and DevSecOps hinges on your security needs and development pace. DevOps suits teams prioritizing quick software rollouts. It’s ideal where fast-paced development is key. For example, tech startups might prefer DevOps for its rapid deployment and superior code quality. Security comes later or is integrated separately. 

DevSecOps, however, is critical for organizations valuing security from the start. It fits industries like finance or healthcare as these sectors deal extensively with sensitive data and face strict compliance demands. DevSecOps ensures security is embedded in every step, protecting against breaches. For instance, a financial service would benefit from DevSecOps to safeguard customer information from potential security breaches.

So, choose the one that best suits your niche and industry. And, if you’re looking to hire DevOps engineer ready to work, feel free to contact us.

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Talk To Our Experts

Ram Narayanan

Ram Narayanan is a skilled Full Stack Developer and DevOps Engineer with a deep understanding of IoT technologies. He specializes in building scalable web applications, optimizing development pipelines, and integrating IoT solutions to create smooth, secure, and innovative digital experiences.


  1. Boyd Allen says:

    The dynamic interplay between DevOps and DevSecOps is truly fascinating. In our organization, we’re continually exploring ways to synergize these methodologies for a seamless and secure software development lifecycle. It’s not just about speed; it’s about building a foundation that’s both agile and resilient.

  2. Elisa Burns says:

    In my quest for a DevOps engineer, I’ve come to realize the importance of considering candidates with expertise in DevSecOps. The ability to integrate security into the development pipeline is crucial in today’s threat landscape. A skilled DevOps engineer who understands the significance of DevSecOps principles can help fortify our software against potential vulnerabilities.

  3. Roxanne Reeves says:

    As we embark on our hiring journey for our latest project, the integration of DevOps and DevSecOps principles is at the forefront of our considerations. We’re looking for talented individuals who understand the significance of automation, collaboration, and security in the software development lifecycle. Join us in shaping the future of our projects with a DevOps and DevSecOps mindset!

  4. Mack Richards says:

    At our company, the journey from DevOps to DevSecOps has been transformative. The added layer of security throughout the development pipeline has become non-negotiable. As we share insights and experiences in our blog, we’re eager to connect with professionals who appreciate the significance of this shift and its impact on creating resilient applications.

  5. Emily McKenzie says:

    Hey there, I want to know how do I go from DevOps to DevSecOps?

  6. Charlotte Patel says:

    Can I let me know in detail about what’s the primary difference between DevOps and DevSecOps?

  7. Cooper Nguyen says:

    For my interview purpose i want to know more about in a simple way for fresher interview what is devsecops vs devops?

  8. Ava Brown says:

    what does the term devsecops refer to formulation of governance policies to guide development and operational conformance?

  9. Jack Davies says:

    Hi, could you please explain me more about How are DevOps and DevSecOps similar?

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